Atlantic County Bar Association


Membership Benefits

Receive the most Up-to-Date Court Information

Continuing Legal Education offering at least 6 free CLE Credits

Networking & Career Resources

ACBA E-Docket Newsletter (featuring the Atlantic County Civil Verdicts)

Much More!

Please place a check mark next to the applicable fee:
Full-time State, County, and City employee discount: 50% of above applicable fee.
*Please note that the Lawyer Referral Service requires a separate fee and application.
Upon submission an invoice will be emailed to you.
    Payment Preference

Lawyer Referral Service Application

Lawyer Referral Service Fee: $175.00
* Please note that the $175.00 Lawyer Referral Service Fee is in addition to the regular ACBA Membership dues.
Also note that all fees must be paid before an attorney can be placed on the Lawyer Referral Panel.
Upon submission an invoice will be emailed to you.
    Payment Preference

@2021 ATLANTIC COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION, Atlantic City, New Jersey, 08401/ 609-345-3444